The foolish Emperor, paraded around town wearing his “new clothes” (really his birthday suit) while everyone looked on, too embarrassed or scared to say anything. That is, until a child, too honest and innocent to stay quiet, blurted out, “You’re in your underwear!” But how could it be, that someone so sophisticated, so educated, so…

Self-discipline. Ugh! If you’re like me (let’s call us “laid-back”), the concept of self-discipline seems painful at best—an alarm clock beeping incessantly at 4:30 AM., a diet filled with bran muffins (yuck!) and kale smoothies (double yuck!!), a day-planner filled to overflowing with important meetings and productive activities. Excuse me type A personalities, but to…

Rachel Risner–Choose Jesus is thrilled to announce, “we’re here!!” Our vision is to inspire and remind our readers, women like you, to Choose Jesus today and everyday! Without Christ, we are all hopeless, but with him, we have life! Choosing him is the best decision we could ever make. As we surrender our lives to…