How to REALLY Survive Raising Your Kids

How do you do it?

Undoubtedly this is a FAQ aimed right at me, once people learn I have six kids. Indeed, some days even I wonder how I survive raising my children.

But I have to admit, (this is embarrassing) that the question strokes my ego. You see, there is usually some undertone of awe about it—like surely I must be some sort of superwoman to be able to keep six small people alive and retain my sanity at the same time.

And when I do find someone that seems to admire me for bearing six children, rather than circle their finger around the side of their head like I must be cuckoo, I do savor the moment.

Recently a younger mom and friend of mine (who aspires to have a large family) was picking my brain, asking how I thrive as a mom of many. I told her about how it was actually easier than I thought it would be, how my older children are incredibly helpful, how my confidence in mothering has grown over the years, how having a laid-back personality as a mom is critical, and how there will be good and bad days. The conversation made me feel pretty good about myself—here I am, a sage full of large-family-raising wisdom.

But I actually blew it.

You see, the REAL reason I can mother my sweet little ones has nothing to do with how good their siblings are, how self-assured I am, what I’ve learned, or the fact that I can be cool as a cucumber amidst a raging tantrum—FAR FROM IT!

You want to know the real way I survive raising my kids? There’s only ONE answer: JESUS. Period.

Only because Jesus saved me do I have the purpose of raising my children to know and glorify God.

Only because Jesus gives me strength can I function when everything in me wants to give up.

Only because Jesus gives me peace can I know that I am doing the right thing bringing children into a world of hurt and despair.

Only because Jesus gives me hope can I know that investing in my children’s lives will pay dividends for eternity.

Jesus is everything I need. Any parenting success I have has nothing to do with me or my circumstances.

Jesus is everything I need. Any parenting success I have has nothing to do with me or my circumstances.

It’s Jesus. Only Jesus.

What about you? How do you rely on Jesus to get you through your days? We’d love to hear about it 😉


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4 Comments on “How to REALLY Survive Raising Your Kids

  1. I love that you’re using your faith in Jesus and experiences in mothering as a witness for Christ. I always admired your gentle and quiet spirit back in the day. I must admit that in raising only 3 children of my own there were days that were quite challenging and frustrating. But thank goodness Jesus was always there to encourage, stand beside and speak words of truth in situations where I could no longer find a way.
    I think back to a particular day when I needed to ask forgiveness of one of the boys and how comforting is was to hold one another, both of us in tears, knowing that Jesus was there holding us and crying too.
    Thank you and God bless you as you share your faith, stories and encouragement with young mothers.

  2. There was a season in my life where I thought I could parent a little team. I grew up in a family of four kids and I loved it. The touch of chaos. The fun conversation. The full kitchen table. When I had kids, I thought–This is what I was made to do. And after two kids, I fully believed that I didn’t want to do anything else. Then number three. Then postpartum depression. The “How do you do it?” comments fly from my mouth because, in all honesty, I can’t. I hear you when you say, it’s Jesus. I think Jesus helps me catch the joy again, urges me to re-engage when my whole body wants to retreat and gives me little moments that assure me, “You’re not alone on this journey.”

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