2 Ways Lack of Self-Discipline is Sabotaging You

Self-discipline. Ugh!

If you’re like me (let’s call us “laid-back”), the concept of self-discipline seems painful at best—an alarm clock beeping incessantly at 4:30 AM., a diet filled with bran muffins (yuck!) and kale smoothies (double yuck!!), a day-planner filled to overflowing with important meetings and productive activities. Excuse me type A personalities, but to the rest of us, self-discipline sounds just about as fun as a root canal. If you need me I’ll be sitting by the pool…

But wait! What if I told you that our lack of self-discipline is ruining our lives? (Yes, you and me both—all of us “laid-back” ones). Seem extreme? Maybe, but sometimes the truth hurts! The Bible is clear that self-discipline is necessary for the Christian life. Here’s how our LACK of self-discipline is biting us in the rear:

1. Lack of discipline opens the door to sin.

Now you and I both know that in the life of a Christ-follower there is NO PLACE for sin. Sin separates us from the God we love—and that’s the last thing we want! When temptation comes knocking, we will slam the door right in old sin’s face!! Right?

Well let me level with you here: I’m not actually talking about getting up before the sun and eating food that tastes like cardboard.

Low cholesterol levels and well-rested bodies are admirable enough qualities, but what we need more are spiritual nourishment and refreshed souls.

Low cholesterol levels and well-rested bodies are admirable enough qualities, but what we need more are spiritual nourishment and refreshed souls.

In his conversation with the devil, Jesus said in Matthew 4:4 “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Boom.

Now before you indulge in a lifelong dietary pattern of Pizza Rolls and Kit Kats, know that I am not trying to encourage you to neglect a good diet. I only want to point out that it is MUCH more important that you not neglect your SPIRITUAL diet.

Cue the Sunday School music… “Read your Bible, pray every day and you’ll grow, grow grow!” It really is that simple. Leading a life of self-discipline for Christ starts with DAILY diving head-first into his word (Heb. 4:12, 2 Tim. 3:16 ) and praying with every breath (1 Thess. 5:17). Self-discipline positions us for spiritual success, through the power of God.

Overlooking our spiritual self-discipline leaves us open to sin. Rather than a door slammed in temptation’s face, he is greeted with Vegas-style neon arrows pointing to our door that reads “Welcome! Enter here!!”

And that’s just what he does.

2. Without discipline, we are unable to live up to our God-given potential.

“Living up to your potential” sounds like a corny phrase used by get-rich-quick infomercials and self-help webinars, but deep down inside we ache for meaning. In our gut we know that God made us for a purpose more than ourselves.

The Westminster Shorter Catechism boils the “What are we here for?” question down to one simple sentence. It says, “man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.” In other words (or Swtichfoot’s words, rather) we were made to live for so much more (than ourselves).

The cool thing is that when we do what we were made to do, life is really satisfying. BUT when we’re too busy living in the overwhelm of our UNdisciplined mess-of-a-life or too distracted in the middle of our latest Netflix binge, we miss out on the beauty of living for God’s glory.

Self-Discipline helps us laser-focus our lives, weeding out the important from the frivolous. When we practice disciplines of prayer, Bible Study and daily walking with Jesus, the direction of our lives becomes clear (Ps. 119:105).

Self-Discipline helps us laser-focus our lives Click To Tweet

If you feel stuck in the rut of an out-of-control, less-than-disciplined life, join the club! The great news is that God isn’t done with us yet (Phil 1:6)! Hang around here for awhile, grab your Bible, and check out the resources and encouragement—you won’t regret it!! 😊

What are the specific ways that lack of self-discipline is sabotaging you?

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