You’ve found the home-base for the weekly video lessons that accompany the Bold workbook. Bookmark this page, and enjoy! The workbook can be found here

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(Optional) Introductory Session

Think your group could use a preliminary meeting to get their materials and learn about your upcoming study? Add this optional 7th session before you start in on your workbooks to whet their appetites and get your ducks in a row! Show the Teaser video, do introductions, hand out materials, walk through the study plan together, answer any questions, and use this simple discussion guide to get the prayer discussion going! (And don’t forget to pray over your upcoming study while you are at it!)

Discussion Guide – Optional Introductory Session


Week One Teaching

She spoke in the wilderness to the fatherly God who saw her, who knew her by name. And like Hagar, we’ll learn to have our own daughter-of-the-king, heart-to-heart relationship with the God Who Sees us.

Designed as a supplement to the Bible study workbook, Bold: Six Praying Women, One Faithful God (find out more here), this video covers the topic of how seeing God as our Heavenly Father positions us for bold prayer. Watch this video after completing week one of study, before beginning week two. Small group discussion guide follows.

Discussion Guide – Week One


Week Two Teaching

Miriam’s obedience to God’s law instead of Pharaoh’s positioned her to see God’s mighty hand part the waters to set her people free—making the impossible, possible, in a way only God could. She became a worship leader, singing about the mighty acts she’s witnessed firsthand. We’ll learn how to win our own power struggle once and for all by laying down our need for control and praising the One who holds the waters in His hands—positioning ourselves for bold prayers.

Rachel Risner explains why praising God for His holiness and might is a key aspect of bold prayer. Small group discussion guide is posted below.

Discussion Guide – Week Two


Week Three Teaching

The warrior-judge who went God’s way instead of following the pull of the pagan culture around her, Deborah saw God shake heaven and earth to give His underdog people a miraculous victory. She saw the battle won, and sang His Kingdom Come. We’ll learn for ourselves the joy of joining in bold prayers of kingdom victory, and see God shake heaven and earth in our own lives to knock our enemy off his feet.

Don’t miss this video on being battle-ready and stepping into the fight! Rachel Risner teaches women about the sweet victory we won’t want to miss. Small group study guide follows.

Discussion Guide – Week Three


Week Four Teaching

A barren and heartbroken woman who was burdened by her own people’s spiritual barrenness, Hannah cried out in desperation to God to provide—and He came through big time. Sure of God’s timely provision, Hannah gave her son Samuel right back to Him, to lead His people out of their darkness and foreshadow the bread of life, Christ Himself. We’ll be encouraged to boldly bring our own gut-wrenchingly honest pleas before the God who delivers blessing pressed-down, shaken-together, and running over into our laps.

Not only can God handle all our ugly feelings and emotions–He wants to. Listen to Rachel Risner’s teaching and learn what the Bible teaches about pouring out our hearts to God in prayer.

Discussion Guide – Week Four


Week Five

Desperate for deliverance from her demons and her sins, Mary Magdalene experienced freedom we find only in Christ. Given a privileged position of travelling companion with Jesus and the Twelve, Mary Magdalene was able to live her life as a bold pray-er —living forgiven. Last at the cross and first at the empty tomb, she’d be the first woman to see the risen Christ and be commissioned by Him to spread the good news. Her life teaches us how we too can live forgiven, with lives changed radically by Jesus in a way that drives us to bold prayer and bold living.

Leave your sins in the grave and find new life there! And watch as the forgiveness of God spills out of your life in an amazing ripple effect of grace.

Discussion Guide – Week Five


Week Six

Humble, poor, and young, Mary didn’t have much going for her—at least that’s how it seemed. But God knew she had eyes for the bigger picture—the spiritual impact of the Messiah—and her part to play in His arrival. So, He gave her the honor of being His mother—the role coveted by Jewish women for thousands of years. And in her response, we see a woman poured out for God’s use, her heart following hard the leading of the Lord—not into temptation, but delivered from evil. We’ll learn how to be led by the Lord in His life-giving paths, and how following God’s path means humble, bold prayers in our lives.

In life we oftentimes come to crossroads. Take a lesson from Mary on following God’s lead (and don’t forget to look for the photobombing Amish guy on a bike. Ha!)
