Category: Motherhood

Catching up on my reading list means book reviews and recommendations for you! Here are three of my new favorite reads. The great thing is, there’s something in this collection for every woman, no matter what stage of life you are in!

Here are some of the beautiful, wonderful things God has orchestrated throughout 2020. Sometimes all it takes to turn our hearts to the Lord in praise is a little change in perspective. Here’s my perspective shift: after all, hindsight is 20/20.

If you don’t think you’ve got a pride problem, perhaps that’s the first sign that you do. Maybe you’re like me. I wasn’t one of those kids that did a victory dance when I won a game. I didn’t trash-talk others during sports. And although I DO have a competitive streak (watch out if you…

Fat teardrops were gathering on her lashes, threatening to run down her cheeks while her red-rimmed eyes betrayed her emotion. This wasn’t at all normal for her. She was my pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps, git ‘r done girl. She was the one who painted the foundation of our house at six years old with a toothy grin, exclaiming,…

We are reaching high levels of cabin fever at my house. Dangerously high. Playing nicely is at an all-time low and bickering is up 500%. It is Mid-March in Ohio and six pairs of little feet cannot wait to run barefoot in the cool green grass of spring. The novelty of hot cocoa, snowmen, icicles,…

How do you do it? Undoubtedly this is a FAQ aimed right at me, once people learn I have six kids. Indeed, some days even I wonder how I survive raising my children. But I have to admit, (this is embarrassing) that the question strokes my ego. You see, there is usually some undertone of awe…

Check my back. Did someone secretly put a sign on there that says, “Rookie mom—Help Wanted!”? Pretty sure they did. I must not look like I have my act together because wherever I go there seem to be parenting experts looking to help me 😉. At a group gathering the news leaked that I homeschool…

Ever feel spiritually dry as a mom? Tell me I’m not the only one! We Christian mamas put in lots of time teaching our kids to know and love Christ. We spend our days reading Bible Story books, singing praise songs and watching Veggie Tales. But there’s no substitute for our own time ALONE with…