Ahh Christmastime! Tis the season for frost-covered mornings and cozying in by the fireplace; for leaving behind yard work and tucking in for puzzles and books and board games; for saying goodbye to sweet tea and sipping warm peppermint mocha while wearing fuzzy slippers. And who could forget—tis the season to give!
But alas, gift giving is…well…not my gift.
Thankfully, the Lord has taught me about the greatest gift I can give. It’s time for me to remember.
A few years ago, God was calling me to a ministry—one which I was woefully unprepared for. He wanted me to organize, teach, and lead a mom’s ministry.
I had been to plenty of Bible studies, and loved them! But led one? Never. Surely I was misunderstanding the Lord’s leading.
And yet, the call was clear. I was to move forward.
He took me to Mark 12:41-43, the story of a poor widow.
Jesus and his disciples watched as religious people gave their offerings. The rich came with huge sums, their coins jangling loudly as they dropped into the collection box—a telltale sign of their lavish gifts.
Then came an impoverished widow. She had only two of the least valuable coins of all—equal to only a fraction of a day’s wages. Barely making a sound, she dropped her meager amount. It was all she had to give (Luke 21:4). But according to Jesus, she had outgiven them all.
According to Jesus, she had outgiven them all.
And then, it clicked. God didn’t expect me to be the most polished speaker. He didn’t expect me to be the perfect leader. He didn’t expect of me anything I couldn’t give. He only expected my all—even if that all was not very much to give.
In weakness and fear I prayed, “Lord, if you want this to work, it’s going to have to be your doing!” And an amazing thing happened. It worked.
Not every phone call was a success, not every idea I pursued was a slam-dunk. But with a little persistence, the doors flew open. God was making a way for this ministry! It was going to happen.
Seeds were planted, and lives were encouraged—through God’s power alone. And in it all, God taught me about his faithfulness. He taught me about my weakness, and his strength. Paul’s words rang true in my soul, “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Cor 12:10).
But sometimes I forget. Sometimes I find myself right back where I started: white-knuckling my fears, my worries, my time and talents, my own plans once again. I snatch back those things I’m called to joyfully surrender.
And I must remember the lesson of the widow—I may not have much to offer, but when I surrender it all, it’s the greatest gift I can give.
I may not have much to offer, but when I surrender it all, it’s the greatest gift I can give. Share on X
This is so true Rachael. The Lord has brought me out of my comfort zone several times. And I don’t have to be perfect when I do. Thank you for showing me Gods love once again!