Rachel Risner isn't exactly a motormouth, but when it comes to sharing what she's learning about God through the stories of women in the Bible, she's got plenty to say.
That's because studying the women of scripture has changed her life, and she can't keep the life-changing truth to herself.
She guides modern-day women to walk in the sandals of Bible characters and learn that ancient sin struggles and sad circumstances look a lot like ours. The pain, grief, heartache, jealousy, and fear experienced by women in the past is still felt fresh in our own lives. But their stories give perspective and hope--because we know their happy endings. God saw them through, and he'll see us through as well.
I really enjoy listening to Rachel's teaching!
Her God-given speaking abilities are impressive.
~Melissa Spoelstra, award-winning author & speaker

Speaking Samples
Only have a minute? Check out Rachel's Speaking Teaser Trailer and hear a few soundbites that show how she uses relatable stories, rock-solid truths, refreshing honesty & real-life applications to accomplish radical heart change and reach women:
Featured Lessons
Rachel's lessons include relatable stories, rock-solid truths, real-life applications, & refreshingly-honest teachings that reach women for Christ. She teaches life-lessons based on the following scripture stories:
-Choose Jesus: Confessions of a Modern-Day Martha
Our worries, cares, and self-imposed duties distract us from Christ and are a recipe for disaster! But life-giving peace and joy are found by abiding in Him. (main text Luke 10:38-42)
-God Makes Beauty from our Mess (Sarah)
Even the picture-perfect woman has problems. Head-turning beauty, a husband with promise of patriarchal position in God’s family, and wealth aplenty were Sarah’s lot in life. Yet when things didn’t seem to be going according to her plans, she took matters into her own hands--and made a huge mess. Through her story we learn that our merciful, gracious God will use us despite our faults. (main text Genesis 12, 16, 21)
- Choose Worship (Leah)
Her life was a struggle: she was unlovely and unloved, but God had big things in store for Leah. In this lesson see how she went from pining for romance to praising the Lord. And we'll learn how we too can proclaim no matter what, “This time, I will praise the Lord” Genesis 29:35. (main text Genesis 29)
-Choose Mercy (Tamar)
She was a woman without a future—forgotten and forsaken. In this lesson see how Tamar’s merciful loyalty moved her from the margins to the main page of God’s redemptive story. See how you too can choose right living so that others say of you as they did of Tamar, “she is more righteous than I” Genesis 38:26. (main text Genesis 38)
-Choose Hope (Rahab)
She was a woman with a reputation, her life stained by sin. But her powerful faith in a merciful God gave her life an extreme makeover. No matter your past, like Rahab you can be a woman of hope, “shown to be right with God” James 2:25. (main text Joshua 2)
Rachel is available for a limited number of speaking engagements, (she's in the thick of the diaper-changing, potty-training, soccer-momming, homework-helping stage of life right now. It's awesome! But time consuming) so get your requests in early! Contact her using the form below. Thanks!