Hey hey! Swipe this good stuff to keep your study group engaged! Use these images and text in your weekly reminder email, or in your Bible study Facebook group (or better yet–both!) to keep your women raring to dive into the next lesson in the study. Copy and paste to the rescue. Simply highlight the text or image you want to grab, then right click and choose “copy”. After that, head to your email or Facebook post, right click again, and paste. Beautiful posts made super easy!
Scroll further down on this page for resources to generate buzz before the study begins.
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Weekly teasers to whet women’s appetites once the study is underway

She was a beauty queen with a history of making a mess of things. Join us for the Significant Bible Study, Session 1 to see how God used Sarah, hot mess though she was, to achieve His perfect plan. And see how you, like Sarah, can learn how make yourself truly beautiful by doing “what is right without fear.” (1 Peter 3:6).

Her life was a struggle: she was unlovely and unloved, but God had big things in store for Leah. Join us for the Significant Bible Study, Session 2 to see how she went from pining for romance to praising the Lord. Learn how you too can proclaim no matter what, “This time, I will praise the Lord” (Genesis 29:35).

She was a woman without a future—forgotten and forsaken. Join us for the Significant Bible Study, Session 3, to see how Tamar’s loyalty and bold actions moved her from the margins to the main page of God’s redemptive story. See how you too can choose right living so that others say of you, as they did of Tamar, “she is more righteous than I” (Genesis 38:26).

She was a woman with a reputation, her life stained by sin. Join us for the Significant Bible Study, Session 4, and learn how Rahab’s faith in a merciful God gave her life an extreme makeover. No matter your past, like Rahab you can be “shown to be right with God” (James 2:25).

She was an impoverished foreigner, a widow without the prospect of remarriage. Join us for the Significant Bible Study, Session 5, and discover how with faithfulness and courage Ruth went from childless pauper to great-grandmother of royalty. Learn so that people say of you, like Ruth, “you are a virtuous woman” (Ruth 3:11).

She was a woman whose circumstances made for huge heartache. Join us this week for the final session of the Significant Bible Study to find out how God brought beauty from ashes in Bathsheba’ family and took her from grieving mother to Queen Mother. And in the same way, see how God can bring your relationships restoration and “the joy of (His) salvation,” (Psalm 51:12).
Video teasers to promote your study & get women excited
In the following clip Rachel Risner introduces the Significant Bible Study: Six Ordinary Women, One Extraordinary God, A Study of Women in Jesus’ Genealogy. The study follows Biblical characters Sarah, Leah, Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba, encouraging women to become women of beauty, worship, mercy, courage, tenacity, and influence. Each Biblical character faced her own uncertainties and challenges, and yet was used by God to build His family and bring about His son, the Messiah, Jesus Christ. God can use us despite our own shortcomings and failures. Sign up for our study today and discover these precious truths for yourself!
In the following clip Rachel Risner explains why she wrote Significant and encourages participants to see familiar Bible characters with fresh eyes. This short video kicks off Significant, Six Ordinary Women, One Extraordinary God – A Study of Women in Jesus’ Genealogy.
Want more video clips? Check out my Facebook author page for inspiring lesson excerpt clips you can share!
Images and text to promote your study & get women excited
Ever feel like your life is upside-down? Or at least it’s not going the way you’d planned? Join the club! Our upcoming Bible Study, Significant, follows the ups and downs of six pivotal Bible characters who had their own crazy circumstances and failures, but were chosen by God for an amazing purpose–to be Jesus’s foremothers. Learn from their lives how to be a woman of beauty, worship, mercy, courage, tenacity, & influence–even when life feels upside-down. Sign up today!

Our upcoming Bible study is just what the doctor ordered! Ever wonder how God could use a woman like you? Me too. I get it. The incredible thing is, God has a history of doing amazing things through ordinary women like you and me. And our next Bible Study will prove it! Join us as we study six of the women in Jesus’s genealogy and learn for ourselves how to be women who are Significant.

Hungry for something more from your devotional time? Really dig in to some stick-to-your-ribs truth with our next Bible Study, Significant. We’ll dive deeply into the stories of six ordinary women who God used for the most extraordinary purpose–bringing about the Messiah. See how these women were used by God and learn for yourself how to become a woman of Significance.

Still need more workbooks, click here!