In my recent “maternity leave” I found margin for rest, for cuddling my newborn, and for catching up on my reading list. (Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who brought us food, so I could have my maternity leave from kitchen duty! Our church family and friends are amazing!)
And catching up on my reading list means book reviews and recommendations for you! Here are three of my new favorite reads. The great thing is, there’s something in this collection for every woman, no matter what stage of life you are in!
I’m giving away a bundle of these three books to one of my subscribers, because I’m so thankful for my email list. If you want in on the action, read through this post to the end to find out how to enter.
The Burden of Better, by Heather Creekmore
The Burden of Better, by Heather Creekmore ($14.99 Amazon, $9.99 Kindle) is a breath of fresh air, reminding us to stop worshipping at the shiny altar of “doing better” or “being better.” Creekmore directs readers to find freedom by fixing our eyes on Christ—a refreshing alternative to the self-improvement hamster wheel.
Heather’s book is perfect for compare-a-holics like me. I’m tempted to pat myself on the back for ways I seem to be doing better than others (yikes!), or scold myself for ways I seem to be doing worse (ugh). Both behaviors are so easy to fall into, but neither one is healthy or helpful.
It’s a must-read for women tempted to look to their peers, into the mirror, or to their trophy case of accomplishments for their self-worth. Instead the book points women to the only One who makes us worthy.
The Burden of Better is packed with the been-there-done-that wisdom of Heather’s own struggles, along with understanding from her experience helping other women with body image and comparison issues—you’ll find her writing real, relatable, and relevant.
Heather’s ministry can be found online at comparedtowho.me—where you’ll find a treasure trove of resources including posts, courses, coaching, and podcast episodes all designed to help women break free from the need to compare by finding joy in knowing Christ. Definitely worth a visit (or twenty! Or fifty!).
Lessons I Found in the Laundry Basket, by Ashlee Kasten
Looking for some fresh, funny, hope-filled words from a mom still in the thick of mothering littles? Look no further than Lessons I Found in the Laundry Basket, by Ashlee Kasten ($10.82 Amazon, $5.99 Kindle). Ashlee remembers what it’s like to deal with temper tantrums and mountains of laundry because she’s still in the hide-in-the-pantry-while-eating-chocolate stage of motherhood.
Jesus taught in parables to help his audience understand. In the same way, Ashlee writes in terms of something we know all to well—laundry! She encourages us to start off with a “pre-treat” of morning prayer, followed by the “wash cycle,” where the stains of overwhelm, mommy guilt, self-pity, and taming your tongue are addressed and finishes with the “fluff dry” of learning to live in the undeserved grace of Jesus.
Somehow both authentic about the day-to-day endurance needed for parenting and simultaneously filled with positivity and purpose, this book is great for any mom who could use a reset from the discouragement of the daily grind.
Ashlee brings much-needed Biblical perspective to the drudgery of the day-to-day. Wise beyond her years, her words are worth listening to! Find her encouragement in Lessons I Found in the Laundry Basket, in her IG posts, and in her podcast, The Purpose of Motherhood. You’ll be glad you did!
Hope Amidst the Stories I Told Myself, by Candice DeLeeuw
So many of us have suffered loss, and deal with devastating grief. Others of us long to comfort those who grieve. Still others of us are inspired by storied of those who’ve faced deep pain, and yet have hope. Candice DeLeeuw’s Hope Amidst the Stories I Told Myself ($10.18 on Amazon) is a book that speaks to all these situations.
Determined to use her own story of loss as God’s platform, Candice speaks candidly and compassionately to the mourning. DeLeeuw says she wrote the book she needed when going through her own valley of grief when her infant son passed away.
Keep the Kleenex handy, because Hope Amidst the Stories I Told Myself chronicles Candice’s own gut-wrenching journey of loss. The authenticity with which she speaks strikes to the core.
Candice recounts her story for the sake of letting others know they are not alone in their suffering. She shares how Jesus gave her the help she needed to breakthrough and survive her own pain.
She also shares in order to help those who haven’t lost an infant know how to show compassion for those who have. Her book is a tool for ministry leaders and family members seeking to understand the grief of infant loss.
DeLeeuw’s compassion for those who have gone through infant loss is so deep, she founded a ministry called Hope in Healing Hearts. Her organization donates the proceeds from book sales to provide copies to hurting parents at no cost. You can find out more about how to partner with her ministry here.
Book Bundle Giveaway!
I appreciate my subscribers so (SO!) much, that I’m giving away a bundle of these books – a $35 value! Whether you can use them all yourself, or have friends you can pass them along to, I know they’ll be a blessing.
What do you have to do to be eligible for the giveaway? Just be my subscriber! Sign up for my list by May 1, and you’re automatically entered in the giveaway. Easy as that! If you’re the winner I’ll let you know.
Keep reading! And be blessed.
I ordered significant and can’t wait to receive it and get started. I hope to share with our women’s Bible study group. Thanks!
That’s great, Tami! I pray that it’s a blessing to your group!