In the market for a new study Bible? Check out this latest offering from Thomas Nelson! (This post contains an affiliate link).
Book Info: Thomas Nelson NKJV Study Bible, Full Color Edition is a Nov. 20, 2018 release—just in time for a new year of Bible study! It is a full-color study Bible, with notes and commentaries written by top evangelical scholars. Cranberry Leathersoft edition is listed at $74.99 ($43.49 Amazon).
Genre: This is a New King James study Bible designed to provide plenty of resources to help the everyday Bible reader. This edition comes in an attractive, Cranberry-colored “Leathersoft” faux leather (other bindings include: calfskin, hardcover, and black “leathersoft”). The text is printed in easy-to-read 9 pt. comfort print, and includes: verse-by-verse study notes; historical/cultural notes; Strongs word studies; cross-references, maps and charts within the text, individual book introductions, outlines and timelines; concordance; and a map section in the rear.

Favorite features: Hands down the best feature of this Bible are its study helps! If you love to dig deep into scripture study including historical context, scholarly commentary, and cross-referencing, then this is a great Bible for you! I have been writing an in-depth Bible study, and have found this Bible to be one of the most jam-packed with study features that I’ve ever seen! I especially love the lengthy commentary throughout. The commentary is handily placed right below the passages it pertains to, and is more thorough than most study Bibles I own. It is especially helpful in understanding scripture in its historical context and placing it within the greater narrative of the whole of scripture. It’s convenient to have so many resources all-in-one!
Another awesome feature of this study Bible is its book introductions. Each book of the Bible is preceded by a few pages that give information about the book’s author and culture. The introductory sections also contain the timelines of the book and a basic outline for it—both very helpful for a fuller understanding.
A note on the translation: The New King James translation does update from the older version KJV, removing “thee” and “thou” and replacing them with more modern pronouns. It also updates some of the verses of the KJV using the help of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the original Hebrew. The NKJV retains a very poetic word choice, while striving for accuracy in translation. It would be a great choice for you if you have a history of studying the KJV and NKJV and love that type of vocabulary.
That said, the NKJV can be a difficult read for me, since I don’t have a history of reading old-English-style translations. Though it is a 7th grade reading level (just like the NIV–according to Christianbook.com), I have more difficulty in understanding the word choice.
For example: Romans 12:1 in the NKJV: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.”
Compared to Romans 12:1 in the NIV: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”
To me, the NIV is much more straightforward—but it is also the version that I cut my teeth on, and therefore the most familiar to me. If you’ve been using KJV or NKJV then I think you won’t have any issues with this translation. Plus, its always good to familiarize yourself with a variety of Bible versions to get a more holistic view of the scriptures.
Drawbacks: The only major drawback to this Bible is its size. Because it contains so much great study material, it is big–though I think you’ll find the study features worth lugging around!
So, would I recommend this Bible? Absolutely! The study helps are phenomenal, and the color photographs are eye-catching. There are so many resources between the two covers of this Bible that help you easily go deep in your scripture study—no additional materials needed! If you are looking for a study Bible—especially if you love the poetic King James-style writing—then it is a no-brainer! Nab this Bible!
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Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of this Bible in exchange for this review. The review is my honest opinion. Also, if you decide to purchase this book through the link on this site, I receive a small commission. Thanks!
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