Hey hey! Swipe this good stuff to keep your study group engaged! Use these images and text in your weekly reminder email, or in your Bible study Facebook group (or better yet–both!) to keep your women raring to dive into the next lesson in the study. Copy and paste to the rescue. Simply highlight the text or image you want to grab, then right click and choose “copy”. After that, head to your email or Facebook post, right click again, and paste. Beautiful posts made super easy!

Scroll further down on this page for resources to generate buzz before the study begins.
And for more ideas on how to use social media to boost your women’s ministry, don’t forget to nab my free eBook here.
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Weekly teasers to whet women’s appetites once the study is underway:

She spoke in the wilderness to the fatherly God who saw her, who knew her by name. And Hagar learned that instead of running from God, she could run to Him. Join us for this session of the Bold Bible study where we’ll learn to have our own daughter-of-the-king, heart-to-heart relationship with the God Who Sees us and knows us by name. #timetopraybold

She saw the powerful hand of God deliver her people, and couldn’t help but praise! But Miriam isn’t the only one who can know the power of praise! Come to our next session of the Bold Bible study and learn how praise positions us for prayer to our holy, mighty God. #timetopraybold

She was a kingdom-minded judge, prophetess, and warrior–in the midst of a culture that was anything but. Deborah led God’s people into a battle for the ages where God shook heaven and earth to bring His people the underdog victory. Join us for the next session of the Bold Bible study and see how Deborah’s life and prayer show us that we won’t want to miss the exciting, victorious outcomes of praying kingdom-minded prayers! #timetopraybold

She was a woman who knew heartbreak, but she also knew the God who could be counted on to provide. Join us for the next session of the Bold Bible study where we will learn from Hannah’s life and prayers that God can handle our heartbreak, and when we pour out our hearts to Him, He pours blessing on us pressed down, shaken together, and running over–beyond our expectations. #timetopraybold

She walked with Christ, and stuck by Him even when others fell away. Last at the cross and first at the tomb, Mary Magdalene shows us a beautiful example of a life lived forgiven, loving much, and tenaciously following Jesus–even to the grave. Join us at our next Bold Bible study session and learn how God’s forgiveness through Christ enables us an intimacy with Jesus like never before! #timetopraybold

She was among the lowest of the low–a woman, poor, and young. But Mary humbly recognized the wisdom and privilege of following God’s lead. Join us for this next session of the Bold Bible study and see how looking at her life and prayers can inspire us to walk in God’s ways as He uses our lives for eternal impact. #timetopraybold
Video teaser to promote your study & get women excited
In the following clip Rachel Risner invites us to join her for the Bold Bible study. Studying the women in scripture who took their requests boldly to God, we can be inspired and energized to pray our own prayers to the God who sees us and knows us by name, the One who brings kingdom victory. Sign up for our study today! It’s time to pray bold. Need a workbook? Click here! #timetopraybold
Want more video clips? Check out my Facebook author page for inspiring lesson excerpt clips you can share!
Images and text to promote your study & get women excited
Ever feel like your prayer life is dry? You’ve prayed and prayed and prayed and wonder, is it even doing any good?! Our upcoming Bible Study, Bold, digs deep into the lives and prayers of six Bible women who prayed bold–and saw God deliver. Learn from their prayers how take your place as the daughter of a God who’s both close and colossal; to bare your soul to the best burden-bearer; to pray with kingdom purpose prayers that bring about God’s earth-shaking victory. Sign up! It’s time to pray bold. Need a workbook? Click here! #timetopraybold

Our upcoming Bible study is just what the doctor ordered! Ever wonder if God hears a woman like you? Me too. I get it. The incredible thing is, God has a history of responding to the sincere prayers of ordinary women like you and me who dared to pray bold. And our next Bible Study will prove it! Join us as we study six of the women in scripture who prayed and learn for ourselves how to be women who pray Bold. Need a workbook? Click here! #timetopraybold

Hungry for something more from your devotional time? Really dig in to some stick-to-your-ribs truth with our next Bible Study, Bold. We’ll dive deeply into the stories of six Bible women who dared to pray bold – and saw God’s blow-your-mind action in their lives. See how these women prayed and learn for yourself how to become a woman who prays Bold. Need a workbook? Click here! #timetopraybold

Still need more workbooks, click here!